Too much on my mind...

...and too little time to blog about it, LOL! Right now I'm between two giant steps in my life, but I don't know where the other step locates. Not yet.

It must be somewhat inconvenient for readers to follow my blog. Sometimes I write even 3 posts per day and then it may take a week before I continue blogging. Sorry for that.

Right now I have been watching how our prime minister Mr. Vanhanen struggles with his statements like a worm in a hook. It amuses me. Frankly, I think he's alright but only become a little too arrogant lately.

Midsummer was a fiasco as far as the weather is concerned. Cold (+10 degrees), rainy days and almost nothing to do. Television is broadcasting reruns of reruns. Hell, I can't laugh with Frasier forever! I was hoping the forecast would have been faulty as it had been for two weeks now, but no: rain was forecast and rain we had. Rainy days in June... Not everybody loves a rainy day! Not this often at least. Sorry, Ray.


  1. Anonymous24/6/09 11:27

    Frankly, I think that Mr. Vanhanen is a feeble donkey.


  2. Yes, he's a mess but doesn't realize it himself...
