When the going gets cold, the cold gets going..?

Just realized this week that the half-life (puoliintumisaika) of Finnish Summer weather is two days. On Sunday we had +28 degrees Celsius, on Tuesday it was +14° C, and forecast shows +7 degrees for today. It was +4° C this morning, so it looks like the theory has almost already been verified. I'm looking forward to experiencing the upcoming next weekend. With Winter clothes on.


  1. If you wolframize 28,14,7,4 at wolframalpha.com you will get the equation, A=56/(n^2-n+2), meaning that in the nth day (actually two days) the temperature will be A. So on Saturday you would expect temp=2.54, and on Monday next week, 1.75. The nice thing with the equation is that the limit is 0 deg C. However if we use kelvin instead, the curve will approach absolute zero and hell will probably freeze over!

  2. Damn, I didn't think of Kelvins at all :) And I thought 0 C would have been cold enough. Thanks for an amusing comment still!
