Tight-ass diplomacy accepts no tits

This advertisement was banned by some female-led organization. Yes, it's the new Millennium and the old values stick hard. In cases like these.

They claim that because the ad showed only the breasts of a woman, it was indecent. Hell, it doesn't show breasts to me! Even some evening dresses reveal more than that. And it's a German national dress for goodness' sake! They serve beer dressed like that in Octoberfest (at least according to the defenders of the ad) and also in the pub whose advertisement this is. So, it doesn't give a wrong picture about how the beers are served.

I'm still no-beer-drinker, but I must admit that the most of beer-related ads and commercials are usually funny and well done. Which is something that Finnish authorities have also noticed. They have demanded that alcohol commercials mustn't be funny and spread good mood any longer. Have humour, if you will. I think the beer ad in question is also humorous. Sadly alcohol is still a taboo in Finland, and definetely nothing to joke about.


  1. Did you happen to know the fact that from finnish Viking Line site you can't see the prices of strong liqueur drinks and bottles, but you can go around that by going to Viking Line's swedish site?
    about the stupid alcohol policy, my goodness, let people get waisted if they want to :D

  2. I didn't know that. It's stupid alright, as if they could control the alcohol consumption in any way. Lowering alcohol tax, rising them back, both increase alcohol drinking. Now this recession increases it too, and probably will the good times after recession as well...
