Swedish chopper in the news

Yesterday, in broad day light, a group of people robbed a huge amount of money in the Stockholm centre. The group didn't get caught while the Swedish police watched it happen with the front row tickets. Yes, it's possible, but only in Sweden. It might have been too 'jobbigt' (troublesome) or 'farligt' (dangerous) for the policemen to try stopping them, I suppose. There was a bag close to the choppers which presumably could have included explosives. Were ALL of the police helicopters in one place, surrounding the bag? Can one bag make the Swedish police force powerless?

How difficult it is to follow a helicopter these days? The police told the press that the chopper landed in Arninge, near Täby. Why wasn't an army of policemen (and policewomen) waiting for them? Didn't the information get through to Täby? Was there a 'fikapaus' (coffee break) going on? LOL! Last year I was marvelling at the robbery in Kista, Stockholm, when the thief escaped by a moped and got uncaught. Now the getaway vehicle was even more striking.

By now it's clear that the rest of the world enjoy reading about the Swedish police. It really makes me wonder, why they didn't try shooting the chopper down. That should have been an easy task. When it was flying above the forest or other uninhabited area, to prevent from getting unnecessary casualties. Was the money in the chopper the reason? What WAS the reason?

The thieves must have had inside information to carry out a project of this scale succesfully. The police have arrested two persons which may have had something to do with the robbery. If the story continues as with those multiple robberies before this, nothing will be solved. And this piece of news will fall into oblivion, at latest when the next, perhaps even bolder attempt steals the column space all around the world.


  1. helicopters can fly pretty low and if the pilot is as good as they say, radar wouldnt have picked him up, so how do you track a helicopter? google earth?

    If all this happened in say 20 minutes, how fast can any metropolitan police force get organised enough to SHOOT A PLANE FROM THE SKY. What do they shoot it with? The rocket launcher they have handy? So yeah there was a bag or bags there, cops didnt know what they were or if they would blow. Police dont have unlimited helicopters laying around, keep in mind we have this 20 minute or so window.

    come on man, unless you have a trained and trigger twitching army force on direct standby, who could stop them?

  2. Ok, ok, I was a bit in the provocative mood. Surely the Swedish police should have been prepared for robberies by now? At least the press was quick enough to shoot video of the flying chopper. Yes, I'm being unreasonable, but that's me. Maybe I have watched too many CSI's where the bad guys always get caught. Seems that there won't be a CSI-Stockholm spin-off, LOL!

  3. haha although it is fair to ask why the police helicopter hanger was not well guarded in the first place :)

  4. Yes, and the latest news told that the police was aware of the whole robbery in advance but was waiting at a wrong door!
