Finnish Cuisine Delicacy IV - V: Tippaleipä & Viili

I'm almost done with my music quiz application. I'm pretty proud of it and I have high hopes for it. Let's see what happens. I'll keep you posted.

Now I may have more time to blog. I have some excellent ideas about how to proceed. It's totally up to me if I only have the strength to pull it through. Time will tell, as always.

I thought to combine some delicious subjects here. The first one is called 'tippaleipä' (funnel cake) which is to be enjoyed during vappu (May Day) with 'sima' (mead). Yes, I missed that slightly in my blogging. The funnel cake is made just like you'd push doughnut paste through a meat mincer, thus getting a mixed blob of brown snakes. After boiled in oil like doughnuts of course. I haven't been a fan of funnel cakes, but this year they tasted alright. They are usually too expensive compared to their taste.

Another issue is 'viili'. It's called 'filmjölk' in Swedish (and in English too, OMG?), but that is 'piimä' in Finland (named by Finland-Swedish I think). And 'piimä' (filmjölk) and 'viili' (fil) are definetely not the same thing. I was participating in an interesting conversation in Hairy Swede's blog, but I couldn't describe it better and I wasn't able to upload any pictures to tell the whole story. So here are some.

I like 'viili' and I guess you'd like it too! This must be of Swedish origin, but since they seem to be extremely ignorant of it, the Finns can take the credit just the same. If you look very carefully, you might catch a glimpse of my reflection in the spoon, LOL!

I started playing badminton after a 4,5-year break. I was a bit unsure of starting over because I had been injured most of the time when I played it last time. To my surprise I'm still in one piece. I think that sports suits me well. I took a picture of pills I take before a badminton game in the morning. There is some to ease my body and mind. Also one pill of Hermesetas is there give some perspective, if nothing else.

At the customer's, where I have been working lately in Finland, they have started to use 'green' way of drinking coffee. Nothing to do with T or anything, LOL. Instead of paper mugs, everybody should start using real mugs provided by the customer. And at first everyone's old real mugs are to be destroyed! Oh, the logic, where did I lose you? Can't follow you anymore.

I had thought that the usage of paper mugs WAS the green thing to do. They can be composted whereas real mugs washed up in a washing machine require a lot of washing powder daily. Well, to be on the safe side, I invented my way of saving nature. As you can see in the picture, my way of drinking coffee doesn't consume any un-green burden like washing liquids because I don't have to wash up the mug. And still I can get rid of the paper mug which is, yes, compostable. In addition, the hot coffee in a paper mug doesn't burn my fingers when inside a real mug. That sounds like a winner to me! (TIC)

Well, I have lately given up that paper mug usage. My silent protest didn't stay unnoticed, so it has proved its point already. Viva la coffee, anyway you like it. If you do like it, that is.

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