Chauncey the Composter

I started to gather biowaste in a separate bag yesterday. My wife is mildly against it, so it's totally on my responsibility. She doesn't like the mess it might cause and the amount of space it requires in the kitchen. Anyhow we're in green business now.

I don't feel myself especially dedicated to green values. It only seems like a natural thing to do, since we purchased a bio-composter. It was bought for composting the leaves, grass and such, but is also built for biowaste. Meaning it's mouse- and rat-free.

The idea of getting fresh, very usable composted soil for our own purposes for practically free is fascinating. All the composter needs is a little care every now and then. Our kid even put dozens of worms in there to make it happen. To start it cooking, so to speak.

It's still unknown where this burst of energy to compost things came from and how long it will prevail, but for the time being I'd better make the most of it. Hell, I could make a hobby out of it. My wife does the gardening and I'll do the composting. What a dream time we have, LOL!

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