Why do fools fall for it in April?

Yup, it is time to trick people. The first of April is a traditional day for jokes and pranks. Almost every newspaper has some unbelievable news today. It may be like 'money is given free in a certain store at 10 a.m.' or 'Barack Obama has Finnish relatives, go check if you're one of them'.

I have practised several April fool jokes lately. I even carried my own tradition to Sweden with me. It was no success there, for obvious reasons.

This year I made a little different joke. I printed out ads saying 'Get Mad Donna tickets from telephone number 277455421 precisely at midnight last night'. There was a discount promised for certain type of people and the line would not open before that. I checked in advance that the number doesn't exist, so no real harm was done. If you check the number carefully, you push the buttons to 'APRILLIÄ!' I guess no-one really realized that.

The downside of the joke is that I have no idea how many fell for it. I misspelled it deliberately so that no-one could seriously demand Madonna tickets from me. That is, if the joke didn't get a good reception.

Madonna is about to give a concert in Finland this Summer, so that in mind many people might have taken it into consideration. It wasn't the most perfect prank, but it was probably the fittest, coming from me. So far.

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