Nokia used to be a part of Pirkkala, until it was dealt into Northern and Southern Pirkkala, Nokia being the Northern. When Nokia name was taken into use in 1938, the people in Nokia actually wanted to have 'Pirkkala' as the name, but the president of Finland decided otherwise. 'Pirkkala' name was given to South-Pirkkala. The Nokia manor may have been the cause for the name change. It had existed since the 1600th century, at least. Read more about in wiki pages.
The company called Nokia has its roots in the city alright, although they have never manufactured one single cell phone there. That is something that seems to bite many Nokians. Of course they'd like to gather all credit for it, but it simply isn't up for grabs. When there have been plans to unite Tampere, Nokia, Pirkkala and Ylöjärvi, and call it Tampere, some Nokian have said 'Why not call it Nokia? It's far more famous all around the world!' Well, that someone is right, but clearly doesn't want to remember that Nokians didn't approve 'Nokia' for the name of their town in the first place. In addition, Tampere is still one of the key places where Nokia's mobile development takes place.
The city of Nokia is somewhat pathetic. Most cities own their name for a web site, e.g., But leads to the company pages. Instead they have a difficult, which means thecityofnokia. In 1977, Nokia became a city.
I have wondered for a long time, which one of these has used this font for 'Nokia' first. There is a paint shop in Nokia that has a name 'Nokian väri' (Nokia's colour). Well, Nokia's colour h
as always been red, LOL, except lately when the right-wing took over. In political wise, nothing has still changed because the same old farts are in the same old positions, doing the same old decisions. And the same old mistakes, I might add. Back to the logo and the font: see for yourself the similarity! I'm surprised that this kind of news has never reached the media's attention. They may have some kind of agreement made in the background, who knows. The paint shop, by the way, is a good place to do shopping. Good service, although the prices are bit high for my taste.

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