Good luck to Obama and Rio de Janeiro!

I'm a bit late with this, but better late than never. Congratulations to Mr. Obama for the Nobel prize. Peace is a wonderful thing and never too much appreciated. However, I was surprised they decided to give the prize to him this soon. I mean, he hasn't done anything concrete yet. And indeed, he was astonished about it himself. Let's hope he'll live up to the expectations he's now been tied to.

It's been almost certain lately that a president of the USA gets a Nobel prize - sooner or later. It feels like a scholarship for peace on Earth. It also occurred to me that when Mr. Obama and Chicago were denied to get the Olympics of 2016 to arrange, they had to come up with something. To compensate the loss, I assume. I was happy that a new continent was introduced to host the Olympics, finally. Party in Rio has already started, of course. These are only my speculations, but sometimes things may be as they seem, i.e. sometimes a Strat is just a Strat, LOL!

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