Royal Scam

Man, I'm pleased with this title! Just couldn't remain silent about it. I've kept on using these quotes and other obscurities since day one, and I'm still going strong. No one cares, but to me that's one type of surviving the day.

Back to business. Crown princess Victoria's and personal trainer Daniel Westling's engagement was announced yesterday. Congratulations to both! In addition to the news, the wedding season was also announced. It will be held early Summer next year. My guess is 6.6., the national day of Sweden. But I've been wrong before.

I have an axe to grind here, because I'm expecting Swedish currency to strengthen after the news. That way I could bring my crowns home safely and switch to euros at reasonable rate. At the moment it doesn't look too bright. One euro equals to 11,3 SEK!

They said that Victoria got a beautiful and expensive engagement ring. That explains why the engagement was delayed by so many years: with a personal trainer's salary he just couldn't afford it earlier, LOL! It's like an American dream come true once again. A common man can become a prince. Such a fairy tale!

But the 'scam' part of the post. I read from a Finnish newspaper that Expressen, a Swedish tabloid, made a scam yesterday. They sent a fake version of their latest paper to Aftonbladet, their rival on the tabloid front. Without probably the biggest society news of the decade. Aftonbladet fell for it and didn't have any news on Victoria's engagement yesterday.

Aftonbladet must have kicked itself after discovering the scam Expressen had pulled. Heads will fall after this, I'm sure. Millions of crowns lost. I guess they will release a piece of engagement news today, trying to get a piece of the action. What's left of it.

What makes me wonder is why Aftonbladet relies on material Expressen is giving them? Don't they have editors for themselves? Doing copypaste only? In that case they really deserved to get deceived. Swedes can stab in your back, while the others smile and turn their back on you. I knew that already, but now a whole lot of other people do too. Including people in Finland. It's not just another well-organised scam, it's much, much more...


  1. Anonymous27/2/09 14:02

    What a royal waste. I know people love the Royals...but seriously, really? Now, in a recession? Marriage to douchey looking guy?

    And stupid Aftonbladet, although I love the paper because it is soooo tabloidy.

  2. It can happen only in Sweden. So self-conscious and yet... so human?
