Welcome to my world!

I found myself gradually thinking in a more and more positive way about blogging. With its pros and cons, it's a way of life. This time I won't promise myself to blog constantly. There may be days if not weeks between my posts. And sometimes a few posts per day, as before. It's easier to breathe without additional pressure. Pressure caused by me only.

Yesterday I discovered a new angle to my blogging. I'm going to introduce Finland to my blogging audience. Some of my Finnish readers may find it boring, but then again maybe intriguing as well. It all depends on delivery, you know. I'm not going to compare everything with the Swedish, although sometimes it may be too tempting.

Anyway, you will notice pretty soon that there's not that much difference between Finland and Sweden. And, if you know anything about my previous blog (Moved to Sweden), you should know that my weirdish sense of humour has no mercy on the Finns either. That might be refreshing news to my Swedish readers, LOL!

Since I'm not sure of which language I should use (Swedish being ruled out automatically, sorry!), I'm starting with English. However, I will monitor my readers and if there is more than 50% of visitors coming from Finland, I will probably change it to Finnish. There's no use of teasing people then, although I'd rather keep it in English.

I will start now on trial-period basis. Hoping you would tag along still. It's no fun without you.


  1. Anonymous23/1/09 09:39

    first comment, yes! one vote for keeping it in english. congratulations on your new blog.

  2. Thanks! As I'm using the same globetrackr db as the basis of my calculation, it might take more than a while to get 50% of readers from Finland. Especially because I'm writing on an international service provider and in English. But let's see what happens. Finland is already number 2 in the list.

  3. Anonymous24/1/09 12:36

    Don't forget us foreigners who prefer English!

  4. agreed. of course, Im willing to learn finnish I suppose.

  5. To Floridian:
    That's a bit tricky to know how many visitors in Finland prefer English. Well, now I know at least one! As if...

    To Hairy:
    I have no doubt in my mind that you wouldn't! But it seems unlikely that you had to go there, on my account at least :)

    To Mogli, Floridian and Hairy:
    Glad you're still here to comment.
