We spend two days in Legoland, which is just about minimum and maximum. You can't see and experiment all in one day; on the other hand after two days it's only repetition of the same. It was a worthwhile trip. I recommend it to everyone; even if you don't have children.
Our trip, organized by the Finnish travel agency Matkavekka, was a success. We were in good hands all the time. Also the weather wasn't that bad. It was mostly sunny, although some rain showers were present daily as well. We heard that it's part of Danish weather: rainy, shiny, windy and cloudy skies change places many times during an hour! Anyway, it wasn't as bas as forecasted for the whole week.

Lego miniatyres were impressive. Really. Those amusement park equipments were also quite enjoyable. Admittedly, it was more fun for the children, but the lovely environment shone its joyous and playful feeling around - even so that it felt almost irresistable. It didn't feel that commercial a place as Euro-Disney. After you had paid the Legoland ticket, everything was basically free inside the park. Drinks, food etc. excluded of course. The Legoland personnel was very motivated, friendly and professional. The park itself was tidy and extremely well taken care of.
Because the Billund, where this original Legoland is located, had its own airport, it was pretty fast to get there. Even if we had our hotel booked in a city nearby, called Vejle. Which proved to be an excellent choice for the trip as well. This five-day stay in Vejle, with hotel, flights, Legoland tickets and transportation, cost a bit more than 500 euros each. Not cheap, but then again worth the money. And what's more: worth the experience. After the season it'll be even cheaper.
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