Seen on TV

2 ½ men is shown in Finland again, yippee! The only sad thing about it is that I have seen those episodes already in Sweden. Some of them are worth seeing twice though. One slip must be mentioned. When Alan says he has developed a third testicle and the phone rings, Charlie says:'You answer, you have 30% more balls than I do.' It's not that it should be 33,33... percent, it's that it should be 50%. 30% of more balls would leave Alan only 2,6 balls which couldn't be an accurate value of testicles. See, you'd better watch out for Smek even in the craziest comedy series...

Floridian was recommending me to watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which has been shown here on the same Sub channel, right before 2 ½ men! I have to say that it's clearly not as fun as I was expecting. Despite Danny DeVito. Now I can see that suddenly it's not shown anymore. Was it because of bad viewer rating, I don't know, but I wouldn't ignore that option.

My interest in CSI's has collapsed. Mainly because I have seen these episodes in Sweden as well. Soon will the new ones for me be broadcast, so I have to be careful when that happens. A natural choice for me in the meantime has been NCIS. It has more humour and less science in it. Plus good actors and actresses, including legendary David McCallum - the 'real' invisible man, LOL! He has had several succesful roles in TV series starting from the 60's, but I don't recall having seen him in the movies.

American Gladiators are back. What bugs me bad, is that they have edited out more and more of the actual events, yet leaving all bullshit talk and boast there intact. Instead what makes me laugh or at least smile every time, is to see the 'Wolf' character moaning. That gladiator is hairy all over, except, oops, in the armpit area. He's shaven those hairs. That's a wolf alright, LOL! Next time, check it out for yourselves! Woooooh!

Finally the season and the episode of Amazing Race where the contenders visited Finland was shown here. It was pretty nice, especially when they were walking (actually trying to run) in the swamp mud in Ylöjärvi, only some 20 kilometers from where I live. But don't get a wrong idea of us Finns: for example I have never been in a muddy swamp up to my waiste! Actually I have never done any of those stunts the contenders had to pull through in that (in)famous Finland episode.

I started to watch the new Tracey Ullman's show where she bashes America. The US in particular. It's always a good idea to do that (sorry, Hairy), but there should be something funny behind it. Tracey has been ok sometimes, but now I had to cancel watching this series. And, by the way it's a really old topic to start a series, don't you think? Bring back The Simpsons, d'oh!

Sad but dream true, a hole in the wall - the Japanese nonsense entertainment show - has landed in Finland. It came via Sweden probably - I blame the Swedes anyway. I honestly can't tell what purpose this show is serving. Well, our 7-year-old daughter likes it, but otherwise it doesn't seem like a children's programme to me. A hole in the plot, I'll say!

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